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The role of technology in the financial industry.

Writer's picture: CognisiumCognisium

The financial sector has embraced new technologies as a way to improve its services and grow its customer base. Technology and digitalisation have grown exponentially over the years with financial service companies now competing online for both digital sales and services. With the internet having the biggest impact on how the financial services industry operates, technology has had an impact on almost every aspect of the sector.

The financial services industry has evolved to become more social, accessible, and digital over the last decade. Technology has been utilised in many ways to develop and evolve the industry in order to increase customer engagement and appeal to a younger generation. Through smart analytics, consumer data, and increased cybersecurity, the financial services industry has both expanded and improved in a number of ways to provide the most useful and efficient services, products, and security to clients around the globe.

Consumer Data and Analytics

The finance industry has utilised technology and the internet to transform the way they operate internally as well as the kinds of products and services they offer to the public. With the rise of the internet and the available consumer data, financial institutions have used smart analytics to help craft consumer products and experiences that are second to none. Capturing consumer data has evolved over time due to the major advancements in technology. Consumer data can be captured directly from clients as well as indirectly through user behaviour tracking online.

These data is also used to increase consumer engagement and help financial institutions appeal to wider, younger demographics. In the modern business environment, products and services can be quickly edited to match trends or customer expectations as they evolve or change. Being able to sift through consumer data to find patterns and predict future trends is vital to remain competitive with others within the industry. Technology also allows for financial institutions to remain agile in the market and move to wherever the market is going. This is vital for sustainable growth and success over the long term.

Consumer data also allows financial institutions to improve their online customer service in line with other consumer brands in the market. In the modern age, customer experiences are a major selling point between service institutions.

Managing and analysing consumer data can allow firms to increase their advantage over their competition with a tailored and specialised approach to each and every client. This data allows large companies to customise the offering they present to every client they come across in an incredibly effective and efficient way.

Digitalisation and the Cloud

Technology and the internet have allowed the financial sector to leverage digitalisation in order to expand and provide new consumer experiences. From opening financial accounts with a tap of a button to sending money around the world in an instant, technology has truly transformed the financial world. From digital bank accounts to mobile wallets, digitalisation has altered the way we interact with money forever.

Although technological advancement has been stumped by the hardware that you use, utilising the cloud and cloud computing has helped both consumers and companies in the finance sector innovate beyond traditional boundaries. Cloud computing has allowed financial institutions to outsource their hardware requirements to create and maintain digital assets that allow clients to have uninterrupted and secure access to financial products and customer service.

This also indicates the ability of technology to democratise the world of finance.

This is evident in niche sectors of the industry such as trading securities. Technology has allowed the trading of stocks, shares, and bonds via mobile apps anywhere in the world as long as you have an internet connection. This level of democratisation has allowed people from a wide variety of backgrounds to now have access to products and services that were previously kept for the elite.

Cybersecurity and the Blockchain

With the financial sector embracing digitalisation, many have been fearful of this transition due to security concerns. Fears of hacking and identity fraud made some clients hesitant to go digital but technological advancements in cybersecurity has allowed for the transition to be seamless.

Technology has radically improved the way we verify ourselves online and maintain a safe and seamless experience when making purchases and interacting online.

This security comes in handy within the peer-to-peer financial sector as well. These innovations in cybersecurity allow us to send and receive money quickly and securely via your phone, laptop, tablet, or computer.

The desire for security and transparency has also led to the innovation of blockchain technology. This has paved the way for more accurate and transparent ways to hold, transfer, and spend cryptocurrencies. Although this is still fairly new, this just serves as more proof of the impact technology has had and will continue to have on the way we interact with money within the finance industry. The internet has allowed us to communicate and innovate in remarkable ways in order to provide customer experiences and cutting-edge financial products like never before.


Technology has impacted the financial services industry in more ways than one. From the way the finance sector operates internally to how they brand and market their services, technology has become an integral part of making that possible. With the rise of the internet, the amount of consumer data available as increased as well. These data can be used to create the best consumer experience whilst crafting the most useful products for the market. Data management and smart analytics both play a role in evolving the financial service industry along with market trends and consumer demands.

In addition to this, technology has led to the rise of fully digitalised financial services and experiences. From opening up a bank account to signing documents and sending money, technology has allowed this to be done effortlessly, efficiently, and instantly. This level of digitalisation also comes with its fair share of fears, cybersecurity has been the topic of much concern but has led to innovative solutions to help protect your finances online. This has also led to massive new technologies that are set to disrupt the status quo such as blockchain technology and cryptocurrency.

Although the future is not certain, one thing we do know for sure is that with technology, the possibilities are truly endless.

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